Endless Sky Map

Updated: August 6, 2019

The 3-day cooldown can be bypassed by using a Sky Fortress Dungeon Pass obtainable from special rewards from the Clicker mobile game. Alternatively, you can obtain a Sky Fortress Ticket Box from Merry Badger for 25 Eden Merit Badges each. Opening the box will give you a Sky Fortress Ticket that is valid for 3 hours (VIP) or 1 hour (non-VIP). Map Editor Forum. A galaxy lies open for you to explore. Endless Sky is a 2D space trading and combat game similar to the classic Escape Velocity series. Explore other star systems. Earn money by trading, carrying passengers, or completing missions. Use your earnings to buy a better ship or to upgrade the weapons and engines on your current one. Endless Sky is a 2D space trading and combat game inspired by the classic Escape Velocity series. Work your way up from a relatively wimpy shuttle, cargo ship, or fighter, to a highly upgraded and customized flagship or to a massive fleet of warships or freighters. This data chip contains complete information on the twelve star systems closest to this one: planets, ports, governments, trade prices, available services, etc. You can get all the same information just by exploring those systems yourself, but having a map can save you from making wrong turns if you are trying to travel through new territory to reach a certain system quickly. Hybrid method for getting through the early part of the game to earn more credits and increase your fleet as quickly as possible, strategies for all three starting ships. Introduction and Purpose.

This guide will walk you through one of the best (but certainly not the easiest) way to make millions. There are plenty of ways to make a large sum of money, but this strategy takes away the majority of the grind. If you are a new player, I'd recommend not viewing this guide; there is so much that you can do in this game even without a fleet to rival the Navy, and it is actually much more fun to accidentally discover alien races with advanced technology.
This guide will throw spoiler after spoiler at you.
Endless Sky Map

Starting Out

You will first be met by a screen, asking you to fill out your name. Do whatever you want here. Then, the easiest way to pay off the initial loan that I have found will be to choose the shuttle. Finish James' missions and find a system far away from Sol that has few surrounding systems.
Examples include:
  • Mebtusa
  • Wezen
  • Gamma Corvi
  • Tarazed
  • Polaris

Then you will want to accept missions without deadlines that are as far away as possible by landing on your planet and taking off again until you find one that suits you. If you can accept multiple, try and have all your missions in a cluster with at most two jumps between systems. Do this until you are no longer in debt.

Venturing Onward

Once you are no longer in debt, head to the wormhole in Ultima Thule; the system directly below the 'O' in 'Far North,' and enter it. This leads to the Hai Territory, where the prices are very high but the outfits are some of the most space efficient in the game. We only need one outfit; the Quantum Keystone. This will be essential.
Now, farm special cargo missions until you have enough money to buy any ship better than a shuttle, as you will need the extra shields and hull for the next step (I'd personally recommend the Bounder).

Easy Jump Drive Strategy

Land on systems south of The Deep (like Tania Australis) to activate a specific mission, where you go investigate the Terminus system. Complete the mission and go back to Terminus, preferably with LOTS of free cargo space. Navigate your way to the Remnant and wait until you are offered the mission to help repel an invading Korath fleet. Pray to the RNG, and depart. Avoid combat at all costs. Loot disabled Korath ships for their jump drives, install one on your ship, and go to the Free Worlds. I'd recommend leaving with as many as you can carry, reloading your save if you don't max out your cargo with jump drives.

The Finale

Once you are at the southern edge of the Free Worlds, you will notice systems outside human space. Jump to Coalition space and land. You will be required to do approximately 30 jobs for them before you can start purchasing stuff from there. Go to the 14 Pole system, and either repeat the instructions of 'Starting Out' or take missions to the ring-worlds until you have enough money to buy a larger passenger ship, preferably the Kimek Spire. Then, equip the ship with as many bunk rooms as possible, with the previously mentioned ship capable of roughly 261 passengers. Then just run missions to the ring-worlds and you will soon be able to afford any ship, what with the fact that you can get several missions each worth three million credits with the same destination.
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  • All Endless Sky Guides!

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Sky Fortress
Base Level:145+
Item(s) (Consumed):Sky Fortress Ticket
Quest Prerequisite(s):Room of Consciousness
  • 3Monsters


Endless Sky Wormhole Map

Endless Sky Map

This instance is unlocked halfway through the Banquet for Heroes questline after completing the Room of Consciousness instance. Inside the darkened Prontera map, you will find the instance entrance on the south east side of the map prt_q24778. Speak to the Scientist to book your instance.

This Instance has a 3-day cooldown time if done through the quest NPC.
The 3-day cooldown can be bypassed by using a Sky Fortress Dungeon Pass obtainable from special rewards from the Clicker mobile game.

Alternatively, you can obtain a Sky Fortress Ticket Box from Merry Badger for 25 Eden Merit Badges each.
Opening the box will give you a Sky Fortress Ticket that is valid for 3 hours (VIP) or 1 hour (non-VIP).With this ticket, the instance can be continuously re-run multiple times as long as you reserve the instance within the ticket validity period.

Inside The Instance

Be sure party members are prepared for this dungeon with Token Of Siegfried. The MVP at the end of this dungeon is highly difficult and often bugs out doing Earthquake with little visible warning or after he dies or as he is dying. Going in at level 145 is not recommended even though it is possible.

This instance begins with a copy version of the MVP, Stefan.J.E.Wolf.

  • Speak to him and he will summon waves of Immortal Zombie Soldier on you to test you before access to the rest of the instance begins.
  • Speak to him after you have completed the waves of zombies to open a portal to the spiral staircase portion of this dungeon.

The staircase will be filled with trash monsters who have a chance of dropping Sky Fortress Keys and various Vicious Mind Weapons.

  • These keys are used to open the secret rooms along the sides of the walls as you ascend the tower.
  • Note that there may be less keys dropped than there are secret rooms in a single run.
  • There are 3 different types of rooms that contains a Treasure Chest, Immortal Cursed Knight, or Immortal Wind Ghost.
  • Each room will have a small mob of Immortal Shadows. It is best to clear them before opening the treasure chest or summoning the mini-boss.

The top floor of this dungeon features the real MVP version of Stefan.J.E.Wolf.

  • While fighting him he spawns Immortal Zombie Soldiers and Immortal Cursed Zombies, moving him to one side of the room will make dealing with the monsters more manageable.
  • When the MVP reaches low HP, you will need to be aware of purple splashes appearing throughout the room.
  • These areas are localized earthquakes which you will have to be ready to move away from if they spawn near where you are fighting.

Once you have defeated the MVP, a portal will open in the middle of the room and take you out to the scientist outside where you first entered.


Local Map | Endless Sky Wikia | Fandom

Inside Sky Fortress

LevelNameHealthAtkMatkExpJob ExpRaceElementSizeDefMdefHitFleeAmount
160Immortal Zombie Soldier405,6942,257 - 3,2362,728 - 4,92900UndeadUndead 1Medium1882845049925
160Immortal Fortress Legion405,6942,281 - 3,2601,317 - 2,24415,46414,320DemonUndead 1Medium1508345051030
160Sky Fortress Key Keeper423,3322,266 - 3,245380 - 55515,46414,320UndeadUndead 2Medium129584485403
160Immortal Zombie Assault405,6942,189 - 3,168526 - 78415,46414,320UndeadUndead 1Medium1046145646830
160Immortal Cursed Zombie405,6942,233 - 3,212241 - 24215,46414,320UndeadUndead 1Medium1235044663930
160(MVP) Stefan.J.E.Wolf20,000,0006,910 - 10,161667 - 1,05100UndeadUndead 2Large146304175751

Source: Divine Pride

Sky Fortress Secret Rooms

LevelNameHealthAtkMatkExpJob ExpRaceElementSizeDefMdefHitFlee
160Immortal Cursed Knight10,000,0004,085 - 5,952546 - 80747,98651,573FormlessShadow 2Large17848463570
160Immortal Wind Ghost10,000,0004,023 - 5,8901,379 - 2,32647,98651,573DemonWind 2Medium13672428589
160Immortal Nightmare Shadow423,3302,218 - 3,197532 - 83114,05915,100DemonShadow 1Large3434421462
160Immortal Angry Shadow388,0541,989 - 2,870922 - 1,54114,05915,100DemonShadow 1Medium13740499564
160Immortal Death Shadow423,3302,251 - 3,230271 - 33414,05915,100DemonShadow 1Large10049477472

Source: Divine Pride

Vicious Mind Weapon List

For more information about the drop table and possible enchantments on the Vicious Mind Weapons, please check Vicious Mind Weapon Enchants

See full list on endless-sky.fandom.com


Episode 16.1 - Instance
Ep 16.1 The Royal Banquet Main Page

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Daily2nd OS SearchAirship RaidBuwaya's CaveCentral LaboratoryCharleston CrisisCor MemorialDevil's TowerFaceworm NestGeffen Magic TournamentGhost PalaceHorror Toy FactoryIsle of BiosLast RoomMorse's CaveNightmarish JitterbugOld Glast HeimSara's MemoryTemple of Demon GodRoom of ConsciousnessHeart Hunter War Base 2Werner Laboratory Central Room
3 daysAdvanced Old Glast HeimNidhoggur's NestSky FortressWolfchev's Laboratory
WeeklyBakonawa ExterminationBangungot's InstanceBeginner Old Glast HeimEndless TowerSarah and Fenrir
VariousMalangdo CulvertWave Mode

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